Is This New Spot on Mars the Key to Finding Ancient Life? | Space News Pod

SpaceTime Series 26 Episode 115
*Astronomers reveal cosmic ribbon around rare galaxy
Astronomers have identified a spectacular stream of atomic hydrogen wrapped around a distant galaxy like a giant cosmic ribbon.
*A new location in the search for Martian life
NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover has just arrived at a new location in the red planet’s Jezero Crater that would be a good spot in the search for evidence of ancient microbial life.
*Space Station fires up its thrusters to avoid oncoming space junk
The crew aboard the International Space Station have been forced to take evasive action and manoeuvre the orbiting outpost away from space junk hurtling towards them out of control.
*The Science Report
Scientists have for the first time sequenced RNA from an extinct animal species.
A daily Low-dose aspirin could reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in older adults.
Iran bans U.N. nuclear weapons inspectors
Skeptics guide to hypnosis

This week’s guests:
Professor Bärbel Koribalski from the CSIRO’s Australia Telescope National Facility and the University of Western Sydney
And our regular guests:
Alex Zaharov-Reutt from
Tim Mendham from Australian Skeptics
SpaceTime with Stuart Gary - your first stop Space News pod

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