Earth's Secret Core: Theia's Legacy | SpaceTime S26E133 | A Space News Pod

In this gripping episode of SpaceTime, we delve deep into Earth's mantle to uncover the secrets of Theia, the ancient planet whose cataclysmic collision with Earth may have given birth to the Moon. Join us as we explore NASA's Lucy spacecraft's first asteroid encounter and its surprising discovery of a new moonlet. We'll also venture to Venus, revealing its Earth-like tectonic past that could reshape our understanding of the solar system. Plus, don't miss our Science Report, where we examine the startling link between cell phone usage and semen quality, the hidden impacts of marine heatwaves, and the significant depletion of the ozone layer by a recent volcanic eruption. Subscribe for more cosmic insights and updates from SpaceTime S26E133.

#SpaceTimePodcast #Theia #MoonFormation #LucySpacecraft #VenusTectonics #ScienceReport

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