Crack the Mysteries of SpaceTime | Astronomy Updates with Stuart Gary

The Space News Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 26 Episode 126
*Plot thickens in hunt for ninth planet
A pair of theoretical physicists are reporting that the same observations inspiring the hunt for a ninth planet at the outer edge of the solar system might instead be evidence of a modified law of gravity originally developed to understand the rotation of galaxies.
*New clues on planetary formation
Astronomers have discovered the youngest hot Jupiter ever seen.
New insights into the atmosphere and star of an exoplanet
Astronomers have failed to find any signs of an atmosphere around the Earth like exoplanet TRAPPIST-1b
*The Science Report
Koala populations decimated by bushfires in recent years.
Study shows 40% of amphibian species around the world are currently under threat.
Scientists have now discovered around 125 mammal species that glow under Ultra Violet light.
Skeptics guide to riding the Sasquatch express

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