Antimatter Mystery, Osiris-Rex Returns & Iran's Space Move | Space News Pod

**SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 26 Episode 118**
Dive deep into the cosmos with this episode of SpaceTime! 🌌
- **Antimatter's Gravitational Mystery Solved**: Ever wondered if antimatter falls up or down? We unveil the answer that has puzzled physics students for ages.
- **Osiris-Rex's Grand Homecoming**: Celebrate the triumphant return of NASA's groundbreaking asteroid sample mission as it safely lands in the Utah desert.
- **Iran's Leap into Space**: Discover the latest on Iran's space endeavors with the successful launch of the Nour-3 imaging CubeSat.
- **Science Highlights**: From the alarming statistics of COVID-19 in Australia to the record low growth of Antarctic sea ice, we cover the most pressing science news. Plus, get introduced to the world's most potent X-ray laser and a skeptic's perspective on Australia's top psychic.

Join Stuart Gary on this interstellar journey and stay updated with the latest in space and science. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more cosmic insights! 🚀🔭 #SpaceTime #CosmicDiscoveries #ScienceNews

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