Feb. 22, 2024

S27E24: The Milky Way's Rugby Ball: Sagittarius A* Spins SpaceTime

S27E24: The Milky Way's Rugby Ball: Sagittarius A* Spins SpaceTime

Have you ever wondered what lies at the heart of our galaxy? The latest episode of Spacetime takes you on a cosmic journey to the centre of the Milky Way, where a supermassive black hole is spinning so rapidly it's reshaping the fabric of spacetime itself.

In this enthralling episode, we learn about Sagittarius A*, the colossal black hole whose intense gravitational pull and rapid spin are bending spacetime into a rugby football shape. The new findings, based on observations from NASA's Chandra X-ray Space Telescope and the Very Large Array radio telescope, offer ground-breaking insights into the nature and behaviour of black holes.

But that's not all. The episode also delves into the world of nuclear fusion, where scientists in Britain have set a new world power record, edging us closer to a future of unlimited clean energy. The experiment at the Joint European Torus (JET) has shown that we can harness the same power that fuels the sun, potentially solving our energy crisis and halting climate change.

And as if that's not enough to pique your curiosity, we also travel down under to Australia's Arnhem Space Centre. Here, new vehicle assembly building designs have been unveiled, marking a significant step forward for the country's space exploration efforts. The episode explores how these facilities will accommodate a variety of rocket types and technologies, paving the way for numerous orbital and suborbital missions.

Spacetime series 27, episode 24, is a not-to-be-missed exploration of the latest advancements in astrophysics, energy, and space technology. Whether you're a science enthusiast, a space aficionado, or simply someone who looks up at the stars in wonder, this episode is sure to captivate and enlighten.

So, are you ready to embark on an astronomical adventure? Tune in to Spacetime and let your mind soar among the stars. The universe is vast and full of wonders, and this podcast is your gateway to understanding some of its most profound mysteries. Listen now and join the journey through the cosmos!