Nov. 23, 2023

S26E141 Episode Summary

S26E141 Episode Summary

Summary of "Spacetime Series 26, Episode 141" :

**China's Ambitious Mars Mission and the New Cosmic Gold Source**

In this episode of "Spacetime," hosted by Stuart Gary, the focus is on China's bold steps in space exploration and a ground-breaking discovery in astrophysics.

**China's Mars Mission: A New Space Race**
- China plans to execute a Mars sample return mission before NASA and ESA, aiming to launch around 2030.
- This mission, Tianwin Three, involves two launches in 2028, including an orbiter return vehicle and a Mars lander ascent vehicle.
- The mission builds on the success of Tianwin One, which landed the Zhurong Rover on Mars in May 2021.
- Tianwin Two, still in development, focuses on asteroid sample return and comet exploration.
- China's space ambitions also include expanding the Tiangong Space Station and collaborating with Russia for a lunar research station and a manned Mars mission.

**A New Source for Gold in the Cosmos**
- Astrophysicists propose a novel cosmic source for heavy elements like gold and platinum.
- The study suggests that low mass neutron stars, when losing mass to a companion star, can become unstable and explode, synthesizing heavy elements.
- This process, different from the traditional neutron star merger, could explain the abundance of heavy elements in the universe.
- The findings offer new insights into the chemical evolution of the universe from its initial composition post-Big Bang.

**NASA's SPHEREx: Mapping the Cosmic History**
- NASA's upcoming SPHEREx mission, set for launch in 2025, aims to create the most detailed map of the universe.
- The mission will study the history of galaxies, cosmic inflation, and the distribution of essential molecules like water in space.
- SPHEREx's unique design, including photon shields and a V-groove radiator, will enable it to operate at extremely low temperatures necessary for infrared observations.

**Other Highlights**
- The episode also touches on the likelihood of El Nino conditions persisting until the next year and the development of an artificial sensor for recognizing fabric textures.
- The podcast concludes with a discussion on AI-generated stereotypes in medical imaging and a curious anecdote about a supposed big cat sighting in Derbyshire.

This episode of "Spacetime" not only highlights China's growing prowess in space exploration but also sheds light on intriguing astrophysical phenomena and the latest advancements in space technology.