Season 6

Aug. 25, 2023

Promo - Whats your signature Sound?

Perhaps it's a quirk in your 416 that sits perfectly with your voice. Is it an anomaly in your room that adds that special something to your voice, or is it where you position the mic that just has you humming?  A signature …
Aug. 21, 2023

Software licensing structures... The good the bad the ugly

Waves have just announced some big changes to its licencing structure. What does it mean for you and how does it compare to other software that might be in your studio?…
Aug. 17, 2023

Promo - The Plugin Dilema

Summary In this week's Pro Audio Suite podcast edition, we explore the concept of maintaining your "WUP" and its benefits. We then take a deep dive into the details, such as the explicit operator restrictions outlined in the…
Aug. 8, 2023

The Secrets behind a demo that works...

Memo Sauceda was the winner of our Centrance PASport VO competition winner. He picked up a free Demo created by Robbo and AP. This week we reveal the audio, and discuss the process that has Memo shouting Robbo and AP' praise…
July 31, 2023

Review - the Konos 80-element, high fidelity microphone

Konos (no we'd never heard of the either) have released a compact 80-element high-fidelity, high sensitivity microphone. It promises adjustable directivity and optional real-time noise filtering to capture the clearest sound…
July 26, 2023

PROMO - Konos... A new class of microphone?

With 80 elements, Konos promises a high-fidelity, high-sensitivity array with adjustable directivity and optional real-time noise filtering to capture the clearest sound at a distance, even in the most challenging sonic cond…
July 23, 2023

Old Gear - Whats the go?

George, Robbo and Andrew discuss the gear that once was a "must have"but these days is on the scrap heap. What do you do with them? And what about that old Mac? Does it have any value? A big shout out to our sponsors, Austri…
July 21, 2023

PROMO - Old Gear

Next week on the show, George, Robert and Andrew discuss the gear that once was a "must have"but these days is on the scrap heap. What do you do with them? And what about that old Mac? Does it have any value? A big shout out…
July 17, 2023

DAWs - Which one is best for Voice Actors

Reaper, Twisted Wave, AUdition, Audacity, Pro Tools.... The list is endless, and there are many reasons you may prefer any one (or all) of them. But if you simply want to record and edit your voice overs, which one rules the…
July 13, 2023


What DAW is the right DAW?
July 11, 2023

What Can't you do without?

Robert asked, "what are the 3 essential things you need to do your job?". We thought it was a great question, and when you put your mind to it, the reasons we spend thousands of dollars on large amounts of gear seemed a litt…
July 6, 2023

PROMO-Three Things...

What's up this week on the Pro Audio Suite
June 26, 2023

We cloned AP..

OK, so we've been on about it for a while now, but it is a big issue facing our industry. In fact, a radio station in Melbourne Australia has just announced that its new Afternoon (Drive) News reader will be an AI voice...  …
June 19, 2023

Waves Director of Training and Development MPA

MPA joins us for a general chat and some big news.. A big shout out to our sponsors, Austrian Audio and Tri Booth. Both these companies are providers of QUALITY Audio Gear (we wouldn't partner with them unless they were), so…
June 12, 2023

Self Noise - The what, why and how to understand it

Self-noise is the signal the microphone produces of itself, even when no sound source is present, and it's a topic we've never really gotten into on the show. So this week, we held our breath (to reduce noise) and took a dee…
June 5, 2023

Rode's NT1 Gen 5 - We've got two of em....

We put the new USB/XLR dual output mic from Rode through its paces... A big shout out to our sponsors, Austrian Audio and Tri Booth. Both these companies are providers of QUALITY Audio Gear (we wouldn't partner with them unl…
May 29, 2023

Renters/Low Damage Sound Absorbtiton

Building/Buying sound absorption panels is all well and good (as well as important) but what about the damage caused by hanging them? Screws in the wall, adhesive that tears the plaster when you pull it down, and the hassle …
May 22, 2023

AI - A look at how far its come

A few weeks ago we broke the news that AP was being replaced by one of his clients by an AI voice. It seems something we have fobbed off as "yeah some time in the future it will be a thing", but it seems it's already here. R…
May 15, 2023

On the Road....

AP recently did a lap of Europe with the family and was (predictably) working his but off while on the road.  We thought it might be interesting to compare his reads recorded whist away and compare them to the results he get…
May 9, 2023

The winners of our PASPort VO comp...

A big shout out to our sponsors, Austrian Audio and Tri Booth. Both these companies are providers of QUALITY Audio Gear (we wouldn't partner with them unless they were), so please, if you're in the market for some new kit, d…
May 3, 2023

PASport VO - An Update

For the past few weeks we've been tellin you about the new, made for VO, mic interface we have designed with the great people at Centrance.  Conceived during the recording of an episode of the Pro Audio Suite, inspired by y…
April 24, 2023

AI Takeover - The first casualties!

The war has officially begun. The first casualties of the VO AI war have occurred, and it's not Audio Books...  Keep an ear out, as we will be launching it shortly with a limited run of 100, and a fairly juicy prize for one …
April 17, 2023

Is it REAL Loopback? The New SSL Firmware upgrade

SSL has released a firmware upgrade for the popular SSL 2 & 2+ interfaces, but as George is installing the upgrade on AP's machine we make a discovery that is worth sharing. We've created a survey so you can leave your mark …