#Space358: Hunting for Planet Nine: The Search Intensifies with New Telescopes | Sapce Nuts

If you're feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by the lack of tangible evidence for Planet Nine despite your endless research and late-night discussions, then you are not alone!
In this episode, you will be able to:
• Traverse the peculiarities of the hypothesized Planet Nine and comprehend its potential impacts on our solar system.
• Explore the advanced capabilities of the Vera Rubin Telescope and how it's set to transform the search for elusive celestial bodies.
• Discern the urgent need for a structured framework in the burgeoning industry of space tourism and its potential implications.
• Unwrap the fundamentals of how atoms emit and absorb light, which is crucial in our interpretation of astronomical observations.
• Dissolve any misconceptions about the size of the universe, identifying the difference between the age of the universe and the distance light has traveled. List 2:
I want to believe it, I really do. I hope they've found it. - Andrew Dunkley
The resources mentioned in this episode are:
• Visit theconversation.com to read the article about the potential existence of Planet Nine in our solar system.
• Check out the Vera C. Rubin Telescope (formerly LSST) when it starts observations next year to see if it can find evidence of Planet Nine.
• Learn more about the Seniors 14 object that fell into the Pacific Ocean in 2014 and its potential connection to Planet Nine.
• Stay updated on the ongoing search for Planet Nine by following the observation campaign currently underway.
• Consider supporting the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety to help promote safety in space tourism and exploration.
• Explore the possibility of space tourism and the potential risks involved before making any decisions.
• Follow the progress of space tourism companies such as Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin to stay informed about the latest developments.
• Keep an eye out for future space tourism opportunities that prioritize safety and adhere to strict regulations.
• Educate yourself about the risks and challenges of space travel and make informed decisions if and when the opportunity arises.
• Support advancements in space technology and exploration by staying engaged and advocating for responsible and safe practices.
#space #spacenuts #podcast #planet9