April 17, 2024

#409: Eclipse Escapades & Stellar Shadows: Fred's Cosmic Journey & The Heaviest Black Hole Discovery

#409: Eclipse Escapades & Stellar Shadows: Fred's Cosmic Journey & The Heaviest Black Hole Discovery

Have you ever gazed up at the night sky and felt a sense of wonder? Imagine combining that with the thrill of a rocket launch, the beauty of the Northern Lights, and the discovery of the most massive stellar black hole in our galaxy. This is exactly what we delve into in the latest episode of our podcast.

Our journey starts with the awe-inspiring experience of chasing the Northern Lights in the subarctic region of Whitehorse. The green streaks dancing across the sky are a sight to behold, but what's even more fascinating is learning how to capture this celestial ballet on an iPhone. Yes, you heard that right—our very own Fred Watson shares tips on photographing the aurora with nothing but a smartphone!

But the wonders don't stop there. We also take you to the heart of a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch. Imagine the adrenaline rush as you watch this marvel of modern engineering cut through the sky, deploying Starlink satellites into orbit. The excitement is palpable, and you can almost hear the collective gasp of the crowd as the rocket soars into the cosmos.

Then, we dive into something more ominous yet equally captivating—the tale of space junk crashing through a house in Florida. It's a stark reminder of the growing concern over space debris and the risks it poses, not just to our satellites but to us here on Earth.

The crescendo of our cosmic odyssey is the discussion of a groundbreaking discovery: the most massive stellar black hole ever found in our galaxy. This colossal entity weighs in at 33 times the mass of our sun, challenging our understanding of the life and death of stars. It's a discovery that has astronomers buzzing with excitement and rewriting textbooks.

Each moment of this episode is filled with the kind of wonder and curiosity that only the vast expanse of space can inspire. So, if you're ready to embark on an astronomical journey that will leave you starstruck, tune in to this episode of our podcast. Listen, learn, and let your imagination soar to the stars.