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Engaging Astro-journalism!
Steve, Tim and Halley make a great team. The news from Halley is solid enough but it’s the reports from Tim and Steve that are really waiting for. This is well-researched, timely and insightful journalism in a tight little package.

How does he find the time?
Andrew is multitasking well but how is the golf swing going? Thx for this great little daily fix!

Like a Falcon 9
Look at your popularity go! What a wonderful way to catch up on my favourite subject while I do my farm chores! Informative and amusing. Thanks Andrew! cheers Rusty

Good podcast but..
Enjoying this podcast but why are you using imperial measurements? Science uses metric.

Very informative astronomy & science podcast!
All jokes aside it’s a fantastic podcast! 😉🤣

Short and to the point, shame about the ‘dad’ jokes
A great little podcast from the maker of space nuts. Would be just a good if not better without the dad jokes or Haley.

A great little podcast.
Short, sharp and informative. Love it.

Love it!
Snappy, informative and amusing. Hayley a star!